The Episode 2.10 \/\/TOP\\\\
Sid arrives in New York, searching for Cassie by means of a photograph he is carrying; he is last shown standing outside (presumably about to look inside) the cafe where she is working. The episode ends with Effy in Tony's bed, smiling suggestively at the camera and hinting at her role as the primary character in the next series.
The Episode 2.10
Note: The music tracks listed below only refer to the music featured in the episode's initial airing. Many of the music tracks featured in this episode have been substituted for alternative tracks either for the BBC America airing or for both the US and UK home media release of Series 2.
This episode focuses on the work of JJ Thomson at the Cavendish laboratory that led to the discovery of the electron. Others mentioned in the episode include Henry Cavendish, James Clerk Maxwell, William John Strutt (Lord Rayleigh), William Watson, Heinrich Geissler, William Crookes and Robert Millikan.
(1) The title for this episode is adapted from Chapter 21 of The Story Girl, but that's about all the episode and chapter share in common. The theme behind the 'Dreamer of Dreams' chapter focuses more on Sara's reaction to a dream Cecily had, and the cousins' plans to record their dreams.
How I miss the earlier RTA seasons!! (currently, I'm watching the last season on TV). I feel like the writing and the plots for later seasons were rushed, while those of earlier seasons were very well-thought. As for the "Dreamer of Dreams" episode, I always rewind the part where Elvira Lawson is reading her husband's alleged letter, and is in complete shock. I also miss the Lawsons. As much as I like Muriel as a grocer in later seasons, nothing compares to the Lawsons' store- it was the epicentre of the town, the place where Hetty King cracked an egg on Rachel Lynde's face!!!
Medusa, Seasons 1 and 2 are my favorite seasons. The writing was more consistent with Heather Conkie writing many of the episodes. I remember reading that Conkie's family though it odd that she was cackling and laughing while writing for the series. It's too bad she couldn't have written the majority of the later episodes.
The world is slowly grinding to a halt because of the Corona Virus/Covid-19 and the streets look like something from an episode of The Walking Dead but fear not for we will not let it ruin our high spirits!So to embrace the feeling of an impending zombie outbreak we look at some of our favourite apocalyptic films and tv series while weighing up our odds of surviving the outbreak and running through our plan of action in the end times!As well as these epidemic-centric discussions our usual segments are also back. In Casting Couch we attempt to cast one of the X-men ahead of their imminent arrival in the MCU and this week it's the turn of Remy LeBeau otherwise known as Gambit! Head over to our Twitter account @Themannic to have your say and vote for who you'd like to see step into the explosive role!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: This episode was recorded several weeks ago and before the UK was put into what we are now describing as lockdown. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Both myself (Liam) and Tobias are now safe at our respective homes and both wish everyone the best of luck during this difficult times.--------------------------------------Stay Safe & Stay ManNic!